


Some of the maintenance and cleaning staff at the library where I work have set up a garden in the back. Here you can see that they have set up a scarecrow out of one of their coveralls to discourage birds.


Anonymous said...

Ain't that the Oman border there? I presume the library is the one adjacent to the leafy park; and whose grounds are leafier than those of the park.

Brn said...

Yes, exactly right. The border fence runs right behind the library, which is right next to Slemi Gardens.

Elle said...

If you walk along the Wadi path from the Intercon Hotel, one of the big houses has scarecrows all around the roof and on the balconies. When I first saw them I was wondering why so many people were up there so early in the morning. Until I had a closer look. I think they're to 'scare' the pigeons away. That's one think I don't miss about Al Ain... Pigeons!...and the mess they make.

Joyful Days said...

I guess some things are universal. That was surprising to see halfway across the world.