

The first thing that I noticed my first morning in Al Ain (exactly three years ago this week) was the song birds. This was immensely comforting. I knew then that I wasn't living in a completely alien place. I actually was surprised by how many and how loud the birds were. I tried and tried to get decent pictures of birds while I was in Al Ain, but they always managed to fly off before I could get close enough. I especially regret never getting a shot of the parrots that stayed in our neighborhood for a while. (Of course, sometimes things like parrots flying free while pet stores sold squirrels did make me feel like I was living in a completely alien place.) These were the best bird photos that I ever got in Al Ain:

For comparison, here is a bird from South Carolina:

And here is where squirrels belong:

Not pet stores. Or here:

1 comment:

mezba said...

You have an informative blog and I will look through it more. As someone who lived before in the Middle East I can tell you have a very nice collection of pictures.