
Ski Dubai at Snopes

Snopes.com, the urban legend website, has a new post about Ski Dubai with some pictures.

Apparently both the Snopes home page and the page about Ski Dubai are inaccessible via Etisalat. Sorry for getting everyone's hopes up.

[Another Update]
In the comments, SecretDubai has a PDF of the article here, along with an explaination of why some articles at Snopes are blocked. Thank you for explaining that, I could never understand a reason for which articles were on the list.


Brn said...

Let me guess, you can't get to the Snopes page? What is it about some pages there that is triggering the filter?

secretdubai said...

They block Snopes' "photo" subdomain. Unfortunately, (stupidly), Snopes hosts half its articles there as well.

Here is a pdf file of the blocked page for those suffering the proxy. Bss/Brn - do feel free to use this link in your post. For what it's worth, there is nothing offensive on the page: no nudity, no obscenity, etc.